Digital Realty is a company that has more than 300 data centers around the world, with almost 40 million rentable square feet on five continents. They offer various options, including retail co-location, where an enterprise can rent a single cabinet and rely on Digital to provide everything, to “cold shells,” where hyper-scale cloud service providers can rent a power-connected but empty building.
Recently, Digital Realty has shifted its focus away from cold shells and now offers more comprehensive services to tenants who outsource their IT needs to Digital. Digital Realty has also expanded into the co-location industry, catering to businesses and aiding in network and cloud connections. As a real estate investment trust, Digital Realty operates in this capacity.
The company is focused on delivering superior risk-adjusted returns for its investors through high-quality real assets. To achieve this, Digital Realty must outperform the relevant three and five-year benchmarks in each market where they own or manage properties while providing their Security holders with sustainable and growing distributions.
Their operating model is built around investing, developing, managing, transacting, and trading properties. They believe in maximizing cash flow and unlocking value over the investment lifecycle through applying their transactional, asset, and property management expertise to drive earnings and create value across three areas: property portfolio, funds management, and trading.
Digital Realty also places a strong focus on sustainability and has an embedded commitment to it, which is reflected in the way they conduct their business. With a prudent approach to capital management and a strong focus on building a world-class business, Digital Realty continues to provide valuable customer insights as well as the opportunity for investors to invest in people, systems, and technologies that enhance customer experiences.
Overall, Digital Realty is well-positioned to continue providing superior returns and serving as a trusted partner in the real estate investment space.