Healthpeak has 463 healthcare properties, which include mainly medical offices and life science assets. They also have a few senior housing, hospital, and skilled nursing/post-acute care assets.
The properties are located across the United States, and Healthpeak is one of the largest healthcare REITs in the country. They strive to provide premium real estate for their tenants and believe that a simple strategy and focus can lead to steady growth. Healthpeak was initially founded as Healthcare Property Investor in 1985 with an IPO on the NYSE and grew to become a leading healthcare REIT. In 2008, they earned their place in the S&P 500 index.
Now, as Healthpeak, they own more than $20 billion of real estate and are committed to providing long-term growth opportunities for their investors. With an innovative approach and deep knowledge of the dynamics of the healthcare industry, health peak is a trusted leader in the healthcare REIT sector.
Their tenants benefit from a full range of services including property and asset management as well as the highest quality healthcare real estate solutions. With its focus on creating value for shareholders, customers, and employees alike, Healthpeak Properties is an ideal partner for those looking to invest in healthcare real estate.
Healthpeak is dedicated to delivering a superior level of service and quality, creating strong relationships with its tenants, and providing the highest-quality property solutions. With its commitment to growth, value creation, and innovation, Healthpeak Properties is an ideal partner for those looking to make investments in the healthcare real estate sector.